Chakra t-shirts

Please note that one type of t-shirt is showcased below for each design, but the design is available on a range of t-shirt sizes for men, women and children. In addition all the chakra t-shirts below are all available in a wide selection of colors. Just click on the t-shirt you like to be taken to Zazzle where you can customize the product to your liking.

Chakra t-shirts featuring the full rainbow of chakra points

Chakras Shirt Chakra Tree T Shirt Chakra Tshirt

Seven vertical chakras tee shirt Rainbow of chakras in one Aligned line T-Shirt Om sign with colorful chakras Yoga Tshirt

7 Chakras in a Circle T-Shirts Yoga - 7 Chakras Energy circles black spiritual T-shirts Bright multicolored Chakras black Yoga t-Shirt

You can even get all the above in baby sizes. Here is a baby-specific chakra design:

Yoga Speak Baby : All Baby Chakras Shirts

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Yoga position / meditating person
with superimposed Chakra points t-shirts

Yoga position sitting person with multicolored chakra spots T Shirts Chakra Art - Yoga Tee Shirt Cool modern spiritual Chakra color t-Shirt

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Individual Chakra point t-shirts

Red Root chakra t-shirts:

Yoga Speak : "Be Rooted" Red Chakra Tshirts

Root First Chakra Shirts Root Chakra Organic Women's T-Shirt red root chakra circle spiritual yoga meditation shirt

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Orange Sacral chakra t-shirt:

Yoga Speak : "Be Creative" Orange Chakra Tshirt

Sacral2ndChakra Tshirts Orange Sacral Chakra Positive Affirmations typography Tee Shirts svadisthana or sacral chakra Shirt

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Yellow solar plexus t-shirt:

Solar Plexus - 3rd Chakra Tees Yoga Speak : Yellow Strength Chakra Tee 3rd Chakra - Manipura Shirt

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Green Heart Chakra t-shirts:

HeartChakra- 4th Chakra T Shirts Heart Chakra Balance American Apparel Fine Jersey Tees Anahata Chakra Ladies Burnout T-Shirt

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Blue Throat Chakra t-shirts:

Yoga Speak : "Be Expressive" Blue Chakra Tshirts Throat Chakra Balance Women's American Apparel T Shirts Throat 5th Chakra T-shirts

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Purple Third Eye or Brow chakra t-shirts:

deep blue indigo third eye chakra yoga meditation t shirts Third Eye Chakra Organic Women's T-shirt Brow Balance Women's American Apparel T T-shirts

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Purple Crown chakra t-shirts:

purple crown chakra mosaic circle spiritual design t-shirt Crown Chakra Shirt Crown Chakra Balance Women's American Apparel T T-shirts

Yoga Speak : "Be Spiritual" Violet Chakra Shirt

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