Hand & Palm Color meanings in Palmistry | Lesson 3

different hand and palm color colour in palmistry Poster pic picture For a beginner of hand reading, one of the easiest things to read is the hand color. We’re talking here of subtle tints of color that are unrelated to ethnicity, and these subtle tints of color can change from moment to moment. Having said that, some people may have tendencies for their skin to be one color hue more often than other hues, in which case the meaning of hand color is more meaningful to the big picture of a person’s character.

The best way to recognise different hand colors is to look at as many hands as you can because it is only when you see hands side by side that you really start noticing the subtle hue differences. For example a “yellow tinted” hand or a “white hand” can look pink if you look at it on its own, but side by side with a truly pink hand that doesn’t have a hint pale or yellow tint to it, only then do you notice the yellowness or whiteness of it. In particular, it can be helpful to practice looking at different color hues on individuals with different ethnic backgrounds to help you train your eye to recognise the tint beyond the underlying skin color.

Here is a quick guideline to what different tints and hues of the skin can indicate.

Light Pink Rose Flower - Roses Flowers Floral Poster
Pinkish palm color

This is the normal color you’d expect from a palm. A pink hue is a sign of a normal, healthy state of being with good vitality, good amounts of energy, and a generally good mental state. It may also be linked to feeling at ease, and if it’s found regularly in a person it can suggest an easy-going nature.


Red palm color

stylish modern romantic passionate Red Photography Collage Canvas poster Print with passion and images of hearts love red roses flowers and strawberries Note that people’s palm colour can become redder if they have just used their hands in physical manual labour or in a workout, if they’ve just done a handstand or if they are feeling very hot, so in these cases a red coloration may not have a more in-depth emotional significance. But some people have red palms even in cold weather and without having put their hands through physical effort, and in this case, the meaning of the color can be a reflection of their emotional state.

Intuitively, you can feel that red is a more intense color than pink, so it makes sense that a red palm would be associated with more intense energies and emotional states.

A red hand can be associated with:

  • Excess anger energy which may manifest as behaving aggressively, having a short fuse, feeling angry or frustrated.
  • Excess energy in general which may be from feeling hyperactive, excited, passionate, strong emotions, celebratory states or feeling strongly joyful about something.
  • Fiery spirit: If a person is consistently found to have red-coloured hands and it’s not just a one-off state brought on by a temporary situation that has induced high-energy-emotions, it may indicate that the person has a tendency towards a fiery spirit, impatience, and a quick temper in general. This is a “pita” state in Ayurveda.

To release the excess energy associated with a red palm, something like using up the energy in exercise, dance, physical labour or even housework can be a helpful energy release to aid in returning the energy level to a more even keel.


White or pale palm colour

stylish modern beautiful White photography art collage canvas poster print with daisy flowers snow and peaceful calm energy White colored palms may be linked to physical conditions like being out in cold weather, but other times, if it exist in a person regardless of the temperature outside, it can have another meaning.

Intuitively, you can feel that white is a colour that is more neutral and low in energy (as opposed to red for example). Similarly, the connotations of a white hand can indicate lower energy states which can include:

  • Low energy: Feeling a lack of physical energy, strength or vitality.
  • Having a quiet, relaxed day in, doing low energy activities like reading, writing, being on the computer.. that kind of stuff. Academics are often found to have white tinted palms.
  • A more mild-mannered spirit: If a person is consistently found to have white-tinted hands, it may indicate a person who has a more quiet, calm, soft-spoken, low-paced spirit to them. They may be interested in things but will probably show it in a quiet, less energetic, less enthusiastic, less obvious way. Some palmists also associate a white coloured palm with a tendency to be a little more on the cold-side emotionally in general. Bear in mind that this may just be a temporary state and that these things can change from day today and moment to moment.
  • Paleness can sometimes look similar to pale yellowness so sometimes a paleness may be linked to feeling anxious or worried about something.


Yellow palm colour

Yellow photography collage poster with straw autumn leaves yellow flowers fairy lights and streaks of fire and light Remember we’re talking about a subtle yellow tint to the palm rather than a bright yellow palm. If you spot a yellow hand, first of all, rule out the confounding factor of a tan or of rare medical issues with the liver (jaundice). If neither of these are present, a yellow tint to the palm may indicate the following:

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the yellow color is associated with states of worry, overthinking things, being overly critical and overworking. In palmistry books you’ll find this matches up to their interpretation of a yellow palm that found consistently in a person (and not just as a one-off state), being linked to a natural tendency to be a bit of a worrier with a tendency to be critical of themselves and / or others. If it is a temporary yellow state, it could represent a more fleeting time of anxiety or worry.


Blue tinted palm

stylish modern Blue Photography Collage Poster print with water nature abstract photos pics In TCM tongue diagnosis, blue / purple hues are often associated with stagnation. Similarly, in Medical terms, blue tinted skin on your body can show poor circulation. On the palm, these states of “stagnation” and “poor circulation” can also be applied. This may symbolise a person is feeling stagnant or stuck about something in their life.

Side note: If you find yourself with blue-tinted hands or feet, shaking the foot or hand about can get the circulation flowing back to it, to get the colour to be pink again. For a more permanent fix for bad circulation though, it would be better to work on whatever the actual cause for the stagnation is; be it physical, emotional or both.


Advanced Palm Color Reading in Palmistry

In more advanced Hand Reading, you’ll be able to notice that there are different tints of color in certain locations on the hand. For example, maybe just the tip of the index finger (representing spirituality and connection to their true, wise self) will have a blue hue whilst the rest of the hand is more white, or perhaps the “family zone” of the palm is red whereas the rest of the hand is pink. In these cases you’ll be able to use the same principles in this article and apply the color’s meaning to the specific areas that the affected zones of the hand represent.

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