Mounts of Mars

Subject: Palmistry >> Palm Mounts >> Mount of Mars

On the hand there are four different areas relating to Mars energies:

  • Upper Mars (also sometimes called Negative Mars or Progressive Mars)
  • Lower Mars (also sometimes called Positive Mars or Regressive Mars)
  • Plain of Mars
  • The Mouse (on the back of the hand)

All these areas relate to Mars energies which got their name from the Greek god of war and his qualities of a “fighting spirit”, fiery spirit and courage in some way or another, but they all represent slightly different aspects of Mars energies.

Let’s have a look at all the separate Mars Mounts in a little more detail:

the mount of mars - lower mars, upper mars, and the plain of mars  on the palm of the hand and their meaning in palmistry or hand reading

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1.) Upper Mars

Where is it on the hand?

Upper Mars is found on the little-finger-side of the palm, under the Mercury Mount and above the Moon Mount. Another way to locate it is to find the end of the Head Line and look at the area right above it.

What qualities does it represent?

skateboarding success - Perseverance quality of upper Mars energy in palmistry poster

  • Mental resilience and strength
  • Defensive power in standing up for yourself and what you believe in
  • Resistance power to obstacles and power not to give up
  • Courage, and also the ability not to get discouraged easily
  • Perseverance with a quiet determination
  • Stability
  • Self-control

What does it mean if it’s big and prominent?

How can you tell if the Upper Mars is prominent?

You can tell that the Upper Mars is prominent sometimes by just looking at it, seeing that it is slightly raised and puffy in relation to the areas of skin around it. In extreme cases the area can be puffy to the extent that it makes the silhouette of the side of the hand curve outwards where the Upper Mars is. In less extreme and visually obvious cases you can feel how prominent the Upper Mars is by feeling it. The degree of fleshiness tells you how strong the Upper Mars is. If it feels very fleshy it may indicate more Mars energy here whereas if it feels just like skin and bone without much volume to it, it’s as if it’s filled with less Mars energy.

Example pictures of a prominent Upper Mars Mount: Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford

So what does a prominent Upper Mars zone indicate?

A prominent Upper Mars area indicates that one or more of the qualities of Upper Mars are present in observable levels in the individual. The more prominent the Upper Mars, the stronger the characteristics.

Unlike Lower Mars which is associated with a more fiery aggressive spirit, Upper Mars energies are more cool and collected but still strong and determined in their own way.

A prominent Upper Mars zone and its associated qualities can be useful in a lot of life situations.

What does it mean if it’s small and flat?

Remember that the prominence of the mounts of the palm can change as life situations change for the individual, so if you find a small and flat Upper Mars, this doesn’t mean it will always be this way.

A flat, concave, hollow, or skin-and-bones Upper Mars indicates that the qualities associated with this mount are currently a little lacking. This is often associated with the person being in a state where they can currently be easily discouraged and may lack the passionate mental fighting spirit to stand up for themselves and their beliefs when challenged. Often these people currently feel a lack of courage and give in to fears more readily.

In the extreme, people with practically non-existent Upper Mars zones may be going through depression, bullying, defeat and pessimism. But remember, the Upper Mars can puff up once the mental state is improved.

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2.) Lower Mars

Where is it on the hand?

Lower Mars is located next to the thumb, just under the Life Line and above the Mount of Venus – have a look at the diagram above. In some people it puffs up and forms a little definable bubble whereas in other people it’s just flat skin or even concave.

What qualities does it represent?

  • aggressive spirit
  • argumentetiveness
  • forcefulness to push self and own ideas forward (eg when faced with obstacles)
  • persistence
  • enthusiasm
  • physical sportsmanship

What does it mean if it’s big and prominent?

example of a raised puffy prominent lower mars mount zone on the palm in hand reading palmistry When Lower Mars is big, prominent, firm and “meaty”, it suggests a person who has a strong aggressive spirit active in their life right now. (I say “right now” because the prominence of Mars can change throughout a person’s life). The more prominent Lower Mars, the more of this energy it contains, and the flatter it is, the less Mars Energy it contains.

People with a large and puffy Lower Mars zone may be have an aggressive spirit that may manifest in having strongly observable amounts of one or more of the following Lower Mars qualities:

  • Aggressive in tone of voice or behaviour. Aggression can manifest in subtle ways such as in acting aggressively in business situations, or in the most extreme cases it can manifest in the kind of person who may get into physical brawls occasionally. The aggressive side if most often demonstrated when faced with criticism or insult. In rarer cases the aggression may express itself also as “passive aggression”, which can be seen as things like ignoring and disregarding people, making them the butt of your jokes, or giving someone a seething silent treatment.
  • Argumentative. They may be the kind of person who enjoys a good argument, or they may not particularly enjoy them per say, but just find themselves getting into quarrels quite often.  Their quarrelsome nature may be due to a stubbornness or obstinacy, or to a strong desire to do things their own way.
  • Forceful, with a tendency to push themselves forward with great persistence and determination, and forcefully shove themselves over any obstacle. If the gentle way doesn’t work, they may be willing to get over obstacles the more aggressive way. In business and entrepreneurship, this kind of quality can help in success. Sometimes this forcefulness can manifest as “pushiness”.
  • Enthusiastic
  • Leaders: People with a large Lower Mars may find themselves in leadership positions because their forceful, aggressive, passionate energy equips them to get there.

What does it mean if it’s small and flat?

If the Lower Mars is small, soft and flat, the Mars energies are found in small amounts in the individual at that period of their life. This can manifest as the person being more agreeable, less argumentative and aggressive. Sometimes it can manifest as lacking the aggressive enthusiasm needed to push yourself forward when faced with obstacles and can increase the chance of people giving up if they’re not encouraged.

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3.) Plain of Mars

Where is it on the hand?

The plain of Mars (sometimes misspelled the “Mars Plane”) is found in the centre of the palm of the hand.

What qualities does it represent?

  • Temper: how quickly and strongly a person gets mad

What does it mean if it’s big and prominent?

How can you tell if the Mars Plain is prominent?

By “big and prominent” we mean how fleshy the Plain of Mars is. If it’s “prominent”, the area will be relatively fleshy or puffy whereas if it’s not prominent, it will be flat, lack fleshiness when felt, or may even be hollow (ie dipped or concave). The best way to recognise prominence is to have a look at a number of different palms in different people to get a feel for what’s “fleshy” and what’s “flat”.

What does a prominent Plain of Mars indicate?

A prominent Plain of Mars suggests a person is likely to have a strong, fiery temper. They may flare up easily, raise their voice and get angry, but they also may cool down quite quickly.

Side note: It’s interesting to note that in some cultures, especially in ancient times, a fiery temper had been seen as a sign of power: acting like a diva, making demands that are delivered with a temper, causing a strop and everyone bows down to their fury to appease them. So in some ancient palmistry books they may skip the explanation and just tell you that a prominent Plain of Mars is linked to being powerful and successfully enforcing power over others; and being able o “carry across ideas effectively to others in a way that gets results”. But things change in different time periods and in different societies, and in most Western countries, throwing temper tantrums will often not get you what you want; so no longer is the power-connection to a strong Mars Plain a fitting interpretation. Often a cool, calm and collected, logical approach leads to success these days.

What does it mean if it’s small and flat?

If the Plain of Mars is hollow and flat, it suggests a lack of temper.

If the area is not particularly prominent and not particularly hollow, but somewhere in the middle, it suggests a well-balanced temper, which is what most people have.

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4.) The Mouse

Where is it on the hand?

“The Mouse” is a nickname that I’ve heard palmist Robin Lown call to the Mars mount on the back of the hand (ie on the dorsal surface of the hand). If you hold your thumb in tightly, holding it close to your index finger, you’ll get a small mound forming on the back of your hand, besides the thumb. This is “The Mouse”. Another way of seeing “The Mouse” is making a fist with you hand whilst positioning your thumb so that it rests on your index finger’s knuckle.

Here’s a photo that shows a man’s Mouse – can you see it on the left side of his hand? link to photo

What qualities does it represent?

Robin Lown, attributed Mars traits such as health, strength, vitality and aggression to the mount on the back of the hand.

What does it mean if it’s big and prominent?

You can tell The Mouse is big if it forms a large mount that is also quite firm to the touch (as opposed to soft). A firmness usually indicates good levels of stamina, energy, power, vitality and possibly aggression in the person. This may manifest as a desire to take do sports on a regular basis, and possibly may manifest as an attraction to more aggressive sports like martial arts.

Bonus Combo: Large Mouse + Large Venus

If a person has a strong Mouse and a large Venus Mount, the effect is high stamina, energy and aggression, together with the softer side of Venus. In people who are musical, this combination of soft + aggressive can make for someone who would be a good drummer who has the stamina and strength to keep a good beat, whilst having the soft sensitivity to fit his beat with his other band-mates to make beautiful music together.

What does it mean if it’s small and flat?

If The Mouse is soft and small, it may suggest that the person generally is at a time in their life where they’re finding slightly lower stamina, energy and power. Maybe they’re not at peak health at the moment. Remember that as with a lot of signs on the hand, this state can be temporary and can change once the person strengthens themselves both mentally and physically.
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Example of people who may have large Mars Mounts

People who may be found to have extremely well-developed Mars zones (ie. where their Mars zones are puffy, fleshy, raised and enlarged-looking) can include people like:

  • Soldiers: Click here for an example photo of prominent lower and upper Mars on a soldier; Click here for a second example of a soldier with a prominent lower Mars zone
  • Sportmen, especially those that play more aggressive sports like wrestling rugby, American football, boxing, martial arts, karate, judo, kickboxing etc;
    Here are a few photos showing a few examples of famous people with different Mars mounts:
    - Mike Tyson – although I would have expected him to have a developed Lower Mars zone, surprisingly Tyson seems to have most of his Mars energy in his Upper Mars zone which you can see is pretty fleshy and raised in these pictures: pic 1 and pic 2.  Surprisingly, it is his Venus mount which seems to be most prominent on his hands.
    - Wrestling photo: In this shot you can make out the Lower Mars mount seems to be a little raised and the Upper Mars looks very fleshy  pic
  • Businessmen: especially aggressive businessmen who are at the top of their field,
    - Mark Zuckerberg can be seen to have a nicely prominent Lower Mars zone and a fleshy Upper Mars: pic 1, pic 2
    - Bill Gates has a pretty fleshy-looking Upper Mars area: pic 1 , pic 2
  • Politicians, especially aggressive politicians.
    - Saddam Hussein had a fleshy Upper Mars zone  pic
    - Bin Laden had a very fleshy Upper Mars Zone:  pic
  • Actors who channel macho, aggressive energy in their roles, often in action movies (and who need Mars energy to persevere in the tricky world of Hollywood):
    - Robert Deniro has a fleshy Upper Mars zone: pic
    - Vin Diesel has a pretty fleshy Upper Mars:  pic
    - Bruce Willis seems to hav a slightly raised Lower Mars zone: pic
    - Harrison Ford seems to have both fleshy Lower and Upper Mars zones in this photo: pic
  • Criminals who channel their aggressive Mars energy in less positive ways and use it in crime

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Sometimes you can find a person who you’d expect would have a lot of Mars energy, but doesn’t have raised Mars zones on his or her hand. Perhaps in them what we perceive as aggression will show up in other markings on the hand.

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