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Tag Archives: treating heartburn
Naturopathic Tips for Heartburn Relief
Things to decrease or avoid: Milk Chocolate Fat & fatty foods (eg fried & deep-fried things) Processed foods (eg crisps) Large space of time between meals / Lots of hours between meals Very large meals Stress Irritation Anger Tight clothing … Continue reading
Posted in Complementary Medicine
Tagged acid reflux, alleviating heartburn, alleviating reflux, cure heartburn, curing heartburn, curing reflux, GERD, gerd relief, gerd treatment, healing heartburn, healing reflux, heartburn cure, heartburn help, heartburn naturopathic, heartburn naturopathy, heartburn relief, heartburn remedies, heartburn remedy, heartburn tips, heartburn treatment, helping heartburn, helping reflux, heratburn cure, prevent heartburn, prevent reflux, preventing heartburn, preventing reflux, reduce heartburn, reducing reflux, reflux cure, reflux help, reflux naturopathic, reflux naturopathy, reflux relief, reflux remedy, reflux tips, reflux treatment, releiving reflux, relflux remedies, relieving gerd, relieving heartburn, treating gerd, treating heartburn, treating reflux
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